Kick It Out surprised FIFA set to stick with ‘failed’ three-step racism protocol

Kick It Out chief executive Tony Burnett has expressed surprise that FIFA plans to stick with the three-step procedure to tackle racism, arguing it has “failed to protect players for years”.

FIFA will present its ‘Global Stand Against Racism’ proposal at its Congress on Friday, to ensure a more joined-up global approach to combating racism. It says the proposal has been developed after extensive consultation with male and female players around the world.

The proposal includes the creation of a standard, crossed hands gesture players can use to communicate a racist incident.

It also calls on all 211 FIFA member associations to adopt the three-step procedure in the event of racist behaviour from spectators, under which matches are paused twice with warnings given for the behaviour to stop, and abandoned in the event of a further repeat.

However, Burnett feels that tool has proved ineffective.

“FIFA’s intentions to take a stand against racism appear to be genuine, but lack detail and in some cases fail to address ongoing concerns,” the chief executive of the anti-discrimination charity said.

“Kick It Out is surprised that after consulting players, the three-step protocol is set to continue.

“It has failed to protect players for years, and rather than introducing new hand gestures, FIFA should focus on empowering players and their management to leave the pitch when they feel it’s appropriate. Referees also need better education.

“While players offer a genuine insight into the effects of racism, asking them to come up with solutions to tackle this issue is unfair. Many have called for more to be done, but they should not bear the responsibility for the problem. That is on those who run the game, who have a duty to protect players and need to ensure they are transparent about their actions.”

The first ‘pillar’ of the FIFA proposal calls for racism to be made a specific offence which is included in all associations’ disciplinary codes on a mandatory basis, and that those codes should provide for “specific and severe” sanctions, including match forfeits.

Real Madrid’s Vinicius Junior has repeatedly been the target of racist abuse (Nick Potts/PA)

FIFA also wants to introduce a “global standard gesture” players can use to signal that a racist offence has occurred by crossing their hands at the wrists.

It also calls for a push to have racism recognised as a criminal offence in all national jurisdictions, and to prosecute for severe sanctions in the countries where it is already an offence.

FIFA and its member associations will promote and develop educational tools in a bid to “provide a future free of racism” and a new players’ anti-racism panel will be established to monitor and advise on the progress of the overall initiative.

A circular to member associations stated: “The time has come for football to unite to unequivocally commit as a global community to address the issue of racism in the game.

“Football can be proud of the fact that it so often sets an example for the rest of society, showcasing what is possible when the world comes together for a common cause. It is now incumbent upon us to leverage this unique ability for this particularly important cause for us and for future generations.

“Given players are so often the central victims of this heinous act, FIFA has over the course of recent months undergone an extensive consultation process with current and former players, male and female, from all over the globe, all of whom are passionate about making a change.”

The proposal was unanimously backed by the FIFA Council at its meeting on Wednesday.